![]() Moving away from the 3D reality it becomes clearer that we live in what I like to call "timelines". they are like trains travelling in a certain direction, they are the flow of our life, they are like tunnels connecting to our experiences. When not in 3D our wants and needs seem more simple. Because we are living in the present moment, have no constant thoughts running through our heads, we simply have directives from soul, or thoughts from our higher mind which are relevant to the present moment. Because of this simplicity we don't focus on as many things. We don't have as many wants. it feels easier therefore to make headway into our future, it feels simpler. When I imagine my flow or my timeline I see this big strong tunnel opening up in front of me. This is specific for a certain desire/want/need. When I start to feel scattered or unsure I look at this tunnel and I see lots of spaghetti looking tunnels attaching to my big strong tunnel, which are diverting my attention to other things I might desire/want/need. They are 3d distractions pulling me away from my soul desire and soul flow. If I "clear" these spaghetti tunnel distractions I immediately feel calm and sure once again that I am on the way. At the end of this timeline tunnel there are feelings or desires (in 3D we would call these plans or goals). I imagine these feelings and they are quite simple really - they involve the sun on my skin and driving on the beach for example. If I start going into too much detail about how these might happen, then the spaghetti distraction tunnels start to show up pulling me off track. So I just imagine the sun on my skin, and I imagine driving on the beach. No details needed. The feeling is there, this is already happening, this has already happened. The tunnel of my timeline is not in linear time, all that I desire from my soul has already happened in some way shape or form. I just wait for the physical to manifest/show up just as it has already happened. The soul wants to experience things. This is where our desires come from. They are not ego and society wants and needs. We do not reach these desires from comparing our lives with others and trying to fill in the deficits. We reach the desires by having a deep and quiet commune with our inner selves. We imagine what lights us up, what brings us joy - as this is the language of the soul. Try it... imagine that money/time/location is no object - what would you desire more than anything right now to be experiencing. You may be surprised how simple the want or need is.
When we are moving from living and being a 3D human to a living and being a 5D+ human, it is interesting to see that most of what we do that keeps us bound to 3D is just habit.
We get into ruts which are like energy loops that keep us bound to a certain way of acting, thinking, living and being. It is so difficult to break out of these especially when you are around other people every day who still live in these ruts and energy loops. But if you can recognise that everything you do is a habit, it can be more fun and in fact easier to do things another way. We know that breaking bad habits usually involves replacing one habit with another - for example if we want to stop smoking, we might replace this with snacking, exercise or e-cigarettes. The same is true when we are breaking the habit of 3D, we need to find other behaviours that are more in alignment with a higher dimensional way of living. There are so many "rules" and experiences that are completely different when you don't live in 3D anymore. The biggest change is that you become the centre of your own universe. Everything happens for you and you get to do what ever you want in your best interest all of the time.
From a 3D perspective this sounds selfish and wrong, but from a higher dimensional perspective it is empowering and exactly what we need to be doing to changing ourselves and our world. The last year I have been doing an experiment on myself. I decided to ONLY do what I want when I want to do it. Sound like a recipe for disaster but it has been such a positive amazing result with positive flow on effects to everyone around me. Firstly my family knew I was doing this experiment, so if I offered to do something for them they knew I offered because it was exactly what I was happy to do, so there were no mind games or manipulations going on - it was clear and simple. You would also imagine that I would get less done, for example I wouldn't want to clean the house or do any chores but when you give yourself permission to not have to do something, then it is suprising how much you find that you actually want to do it. This meant I would live my days doing exactly what I wanted to do, got more accomplished, and most importantly I did this all with joy. when you start to tap into what you feel like doing every moment of the day, then you are listening to your divine voice, your divine desires and allowing your soul to guide your every move. When we do what we think others want us to do, or what we think is expected of us, or what we think will make us a "good" person, then we are tapping into the 3D collective, our lower minds and fear to guide us in our decisions. But when we put ourselves in the centre of our own universe, then our actions are also in the centre of our lives and aligned with our soul self, we get to decide everything, we live much more authentic lives and our relationships get easier and stronger. This experiment works especially for the most mundane small things in our daily life. Tap into your deepest desires for what you want to eat for breakfast, which way you want to drive to work, what time you want to eat dinner etc. Most of our behaviours are deeply rooted in habit.... it is amazing how difficult it can be to break these habits, but if you give yourself permission to only do what you desire in every moment then you may just break these habits and at the same time break out of 3D consciousness. The coolest pars of this experiment for me where when I would have the desire/want/need to do something at a particular time that would make absolutely no logical sense. But I would go ahead and do it anyway (because it was an experiment and I wanted to see what would happen) and I would get the most interesting unexpected awesome results. The soul mind (5D consciousness) does not use logic or reasoning, and so it is with these types of desires that make no sense at the time, that have the greatest most magical impact on our lives. ![]() The most important part of becoming a New Human is soul embodiment. This is quite difficult to logically and conceptually understand. We know we have a soul but most of us feel that our soul is "out there" or separate from us. We can connect with our soul and this isn't a problem for most of us, and we can even take it to the next step and understand that we can use a higher mind (soul mind vs the lower mind monkey chatter) but understanding that our physical bodies are our soul (soul embodiment) is a much harder step. Recently I had a dream which helped me understand what soul embodiment is. I dreamt about the Stargate TV show which is one of my all time favourite sci-fi shows. They have these aliens called Goa’uld who take human hosts. They are like parasites (see picture above) and once they implant in a human they can access all memories and take over the body. The human host is still there and sometimes it can “speak” but it takes a lot of effort to overcome the strength of the Goa’uld. These aliens make the human host stronger, heal faster and be more intelligent – the old original human is therefore not human anymore – they are alien. I could see that the soul is like these aliens. It has now taken up residence in the human body (embodied soul) – it has taken over the body, and the human cannot be called human or be treated like a human anymore. The new human with the soul “implantation” also has new qualities ??? maybe stronger, heal faster and more intelligent also, but it is like discovering superpowers for the first time, most is unknown at this stage. This comparison with the Goa’uld has given me a new frame of reference for how everything in the new/best human has and will change. It feels like fun again now. |
AuthorAs a spiritual evolutionist I see and live in a different reality to most people. Archives
November 2019