![]() Sometimes we get caught in the trap of spiritual entitlement. We believe for awhile that just because we are becoming aware, have woken up from the 3D matrix and are doing all the "right things" processing our past, that we somehow have a superpower and are superior to other humans and therefore we deserve more than them. This is a trap that most of us go through at some stage and is pretty normal. We look at the kick ass humans and quite frankly we get angry - why do they have this cool stuff that we don't. Why do they accomplish stuff that we don't. And we can start to think about setting more goals and trying harder and making sacrifices and becoming more successful.... and then just watch and feel your vibration lower!! It can be really difficult transitioning from the state of knowing the law of attraction (4D) to just being in the present moment (5D) and not having goals, but instead just actioning soul desire in the present moment. Most 3D humans need to plan and strive and set goals. They try and control life, try and do the right thing and expect to be taken care of (entitlement) by governments etc. Then they realise they can create their own life and can think positive thoughts and attract the life they want (4D). This is all good progress. But in 5D we cannot use 4D techniques. When we let go of the planning, the vision boards, the affirmations and goal setting we can feel as if we are going backwards, and will never create the life that we know is possible. As a New Human life flows so easily. Opportunities come to you, you dont have to seek them out. I have so many examples in my life where this is starting to hapen. For example, a couple of years ago I wrote an ebook. About a year ago I picked it up again and edited it, added photos and then put it down again. It just felt like such hard work to market this book and release it into the world. The 3D human part of me beat me up, told me I was a lazy failure and that I should push and strive and set some goals. But I didnt listen, I just put it aside knowing (or maybe hoping and trusting) that it wasn't time. A few months ago I was approached with an invitation to participate as a speaker in an online Summit which included promoting a product or service. The topic I was to speak on was a perfect fit for my ebook. Effortlessly here was a chance to market my book and release it and it was super fun and easy and exactly the right market I wrote the book for! Things just seem to fall into place. In 3D we would call them synchronicities, but as a New Human it is just the way we live every day. This is the universal flow of life that we are tapping into and living from. In 3D our universal flow of life is fairly bumpy. You could imagine it as the flow of a stream or river and the human us is in our boat rowing towards our goal. Because the river is so bumpy and turbulent it can take a lot of effort to row towards the goal. The human must strive, set goals, make sacrifices, plan, strategise, use others, and force themselves sometimes in order to reach their goal which is on a certain part of the river bank. If they were to let go of the oars they would be thrown this way and that, have no direction and be quite lost. So the effort required in 3D is justified. The river (universal flow of life) is so bumpy and turbulent because the 3D human is connected strongly with the consciousness of humanity (3D matrix, fear etc). Each rapid in the river, each wave, each undercurrent is another event happening outside of them in their environment, but because they are so invested in this outside life they feel it all. In 4D it is a little easier to reach our goals on the side of the river by using the law of attraction, positive thinking and intuition we can lessen the bumps and turbulence in the river and get to our goals a little easier and maybe more quickly as well. When we can disconnect from the world, unplug, go within and live by the beat of our own inner drum, then our universal flow of life (our stream/river) becomes calm. We are not influenced by what is going on around us, we don't react or feel the effect of each wave, we can live according to our own flow and we are in 5D. So a 5D human can stop rowing. They don't need to strive or work hard or sacrifice to get to their goal on the side of the river bank. Instead the 5D human (New Human) lets their universal flow lead them to the opportunities, it is effortless, fun and so easy.
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AuthorAs a spiritual evolutionist I see and live in a different reality to most people. Archives
November 2019